Nature Based Solutions LTD
Nature Based Solutions Limited is able to provide a range of services to aid in the delivery of catchment management and riverine improvements. Combining with our associates, we can provide the full package.
GIS & Catchment Management
Geographical information systems Analysis & Modelling
Barrier Prioritisation Model
Environmental farm advice (including Agri-Environment schemes)
River clean ups
Contractor management (including health and safety)
Ground water investigations​
Barrier Surveys
Fish Passage Appraisals
Fish passage Design & Construction
Monitoring & Ecological Services
fish rescues
Aquatic surveys (fish, invertebrates, water quality)
Invasive species
Water Catchment Reports
Habitat restoration & ENHANCEMENT
River habitat improvement & equipment
Moorland survey & restoration
Woodland creation
Wetland creation
Erosion control
Invasive species control